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Pi Portal

Course Overview and Goals

Objectives and Overview

This lesson covers the course structure and the big picture goals and core learning objectives. Additionally, it also includes the expectations that you can have from what is covered in the content as projects, as well as what an overview of what is expected of you in order to get the most from participating.

Lesson Objectives

  • Understand the course structure and learning objectives.
  • Understand the expectations of creating a website that is served on a Raspberry Pi and the general process of accomplishing this.

Course Overview

In this course you’ll learn how to build a basic website and how to configure a Raspberry Pi webserver. You’ll learn the basics of two core web technologies, HTML and CSS, as well as how to set up, use, and interact with a Raspberry Pi.

Core Technology Skills

There are several core technology skills that this course covers:

  • HTML: The standard markup language used to create webpages and web applications.
  • CSS: The style sheet language for describing the presentation and visual appearance of a markup language such as HTML.
  • Raspberry Pi Microcontroller: A flexible and powerful credit-card sized computer that can be used in a variety of projects.
  • Apache HTTP Server: A free and open source web server. One of the most widely used web servers.


Throughout this course you’re expected to actively practice the content. The lessons don’t often contain step-by-step activities. Instead, the lessons are a resource to get you started. Learning how to self-learn is central to this course. You’re expected to work through the content and practice the skills presented in each lesson.

There will be times that you may get stuck. Consider asking your peers! If you know an answer (or even a solid next step or direction for someone who is stuck) share that with your peers! There is no expectation that you’ll be an expert on the content, especially if this is completely new to you.

One of the most exciting aspects of technology, and especially web development, is that it’s always changing. This means that learning how to learn is crucial. The expectation is that you actively try to solve problems as you encounter them and that you share your progress and knowledge with other learners.

Capstone Project Overview

All the skills developed throughout this course lead to the capstone project.

The capstone project is an open-ended demonstration of the core skills developed throughout the course. Here is a brief overview of the project expectations. Later in the course there is a lesson about the capstone project. This is meant to be an overview so that you have an idea what to expect.

Core Requirements

  • Multi-page website hosted on, and served by, your Raspberry Pi
  • Site should include images and integrate CSS styles

The topic of site can be anything. There are some ideas in the capstone lesson, but you should use this opportunity to create a website about something that you’re interested in. You’re free to choose what you like as long as your site meets the core requirements.